Android is a revolution in itself that has made smartphone affordable for everyone. Android revolution is not limited to only developers and rich countries but it has reached to every single country of the world without discriminating them into the first or third world countries. It has just given it’s users power to keep globalised world on their palm. It has globalised the world in true sense with it’s wider reach and affordability. A technology become revolution only when it address the needs of masses and it is easy to use. Here are the 7 useful tips for Android developers. 1. Conceptualizing and Ideation: If you have an interesting idea to develop an Android app, put it down on paper. Refine it and make a formal draft. Once you are convince that your all the points and list of features, you want in your mobile app, are done, approch an Android development team, they will help you out with further brainstorming and by suggesting the technical f...